References - Slope stabilization by anchoring

» References » Slope stabilization by anchoring


Scope of work

Realized length (m)



Százhalombatta, Hun utca and Temető utca Construction of a reinforced, nailed soil retaining wall with multiple slope protection types and landscaping, area over 2000 m². 200 Municipality of the City of Százhalombatta 2010-2013
Budapest, Melinda út Slope nailing, ground surface stabilization, 100 m² PEAK PRIME Kft 2013
Budapest, District X Temporary slope surface stabilization by soil nailing, 65 pcs Cronius Kft. 2012
Budapest, II. Cirbolya u. 12. Slope stabilization using soil anchors Makkos és Társa Kft. 2010
Budapest,  III., Perényi lejtő, Remetehegyi út, Kiscelli köz Restoration and foundation reinforcement of a tilted retaining wall within the territory of the Golf Academy Golfinvest Hungary Kft. 2010
Bp., II. Embassy of India Construction pit shoring by anchoring 248 Tarna Invest Zrt. 2008
Pilis, station Construction of a pedestrian underpass, construction pit wall stabilization 180 KÖZGÉP Zrt. 2008
Bp., I. Gellérthegy u. 8. Phase 1, installation of drilled-injected anchors 225 Gyetvai Fivérek 2008
Phase 2, installation of drilled-injected anchors with surface protection 208
Bp., District XX, Helsinki út, road bridge Support of the bridge retaining walls by injected anchors 1716 Betonplasztika Kft. 2007
Tihany, land registry no. 626  Slope support for a holiday house to be constructed, installation of 56 pcs of 6 m long and 17 pcs of 3 m long drilled-injected anchors 387 Erki és Társa Kft. 2007
Budapest, II., Pasaréti Sports Center, construction of the football pitch earthwork platform Concrete demolition works, construction of gabion retaining walls, soil nailing, cutting and filling VASAS-Pasarét Kft. 2007
Budapest, District II, Kaptató utca  Reinforced concrete retaining wall demolition, construction of a gabion retaining wall with soil nailing (150 lm of anchoring) 150 Municipality of District II, Budapest 2007
Budapest, District II, Nagyrét u. 21-23. Embankment stabilization behind the houses (123 lm of anchors) 123 Municipality of District II, Budapest 2006
Budapest, Gubacsi út Retaining wall reinforcement by soil nailing, Lágymányosi bridge 599 Pannon Freysinnet Kft. 2005
Budapest, District III, Kiscelli köz 17. New British International School Complete construction of a retaining wall made of ecological elements, with soil anchoring 724 Market Építő Rt. 2004