Groundwater lowering - Vacuum well
During our projects, we often have to work under groundwater level. Should jacking pipes or even sewer pipes or other utilities to be rehabilitated be installed under groundwater level, we must be able to offer a technically perfect, reliable groundwater lowering technology.
Considering the average soil conditions in Hungary, vacuum dewatering is the most commonly used technology.
Maximum level of groundwater dewatering depends on the soil permeability and the distances between vacuum wells. With appropriate equipment and careful execution, 4-6 m of groundwater lowering can be reached in one step.
In case of dewatering of deeper construction pits, vacuum well systems shall be installed in multiple steps for the desired results. In the meantime, Sycons Kft. uses other technologies too for construction pit dewatering, according to the given geotechnical conditions.
Some references of vacuum dewatering:
- Törökszentmiklós, rainwater evacuation, Phase I, groundwater lowering for dia. 1000 ROCLA pipe jacking project
1996. - Törökszentmiklós Térségi Víz és Csatornamű Kft. - Budapest, AIRPORT, NW apron construction, vacuum dewatering for pipeline construction, system installation and operation during 4 months
2008. - VEGYÉPSZER Zrt. - Budapest IV, Íves utca, sewer breakdown recovery, vacuum dewatering, system installation and operation
2008. - FCSM Mélyépítő Kft.